
    School of Science of Nanjing University of Posts & Telecommunications (NUPT) is one of the science departments and schools which were established with the founding of the university. It runs a master degree program for Applied Mathematics and three undergraduate programs with over 700 students and 44 graduate students for Information & Computing Science, Applied Physics, and Applied Statistics. The school is composed of teaching and academic units, including Department of Information & Computing Science, Department of Applied Statistics, Department of Applied Physics, Advanced Mathematics Teaching Center, Engineering Math Teaching Center, School Physics Teaching Center, Math Experiment Center, Physics Experiment Center, Applied Mathematics Academic Center. There are over 129 teachers, with 11 professors, over 46 associate professors, 35 master supervisors. The school undertakes the teaching of its own undergraduates and postgraduates, as well as the related courses for students of other schools.

    The school is equipped with complete facilities, and the teachers do well in both teaching and academia, and some of their research has reached a high level in operator algebras, numeric calculation, functional analysis, non-linear analysis & dynamic system, random processes & queuing theory, economic & financial math, signals & information processing, information security, combinatorial mathematics, computer graphics, electromagnetic field calculation, optical information processing, optoelectronic information technology, theoretical physics. In the past 3 years, over 200 articles have been published in academic journals, with some of them in international authoritative SCI and EI. Ren yanda, the Information & Computing Science student,gets championship of RobCup in 2010.In the annual China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling, the students, with the guidance of the teachers, won great achievements: 6 first prizes and 22 second prizes in nearly 4 years. In America Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling, the students won brilliant achievements: 13 first prize and 30 second prizes since 2010. In the Jiangsu Provincial Undergraduates Mathematics & Physics Contest, the students also have wonderful performance.  

    Every year more than 20% of the graduates pursue their study, with. Many students were enrolled by Peking University, Tsinghua University, Chinese Academy of Science, ShanghaiJiao Tong University, Zhejiang University, Renmin University of China, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications etc. The employment rate is more than 95%. With the high employment quality, most graduates find jobs in IT and the related industries, such as telecom operation, manufacture and engineering.  

    Information & Computing Science (four-year undergraduate major)

    This major aims to cultivate talents of science and technology, whose students should have high mathematic quality, master the basic theories and methods of information and computing science, and should be skillful at computer and proficient in English, with good adaptive abilities so that they can undertake research, teaching and software development in science & technology, education, enterprises and economic management. It also prepares qualified candidates for the higher degree education.    

    The students are supposed to study the basic theories and methods of information and computing science. They will set up a solid mathematic basis, undergo strict computer training and learn about the development trend and the related knowledge of other disciplines. With the elementary training, they will master the basic research methods, and become competent to make research, solve practical problems and develop software. They are permitted to graduate on the condition that they obtain all the credits required in the lesson plan. They will be conferred Bachelor of Science according to the bachelor degree regulations for the full-time undergraduates of NUPT.      

    The main curricula includes Mathematical Analysis,Algebra and Geometry, Probability and Statistics, Differential equations, Discrete Mathematics, Information Theory and Coding, Numerical Approximation, Numerical Algebra, Optimization Method, Data Structures, principles of computer organization, etc.   

    After graduation, students can choose majors such as Mathematics, Applied Computer Technology, Computer Software & Theories and Information Technology for further study, or undertake research and teaching in the fields of information and computing science, or develop software in computer, telecommunications, finance, economics and trade.  

    Applied Statistics (four-year undergraduate major)

    This major aims to cultivate talents with solid mathematic base and statistical theories,knowledge and skills who have the abilities of knowledge updating and social adaptation. Students will systematically master modern statistic analysis methods and techniques, learn about their application background and development trend, undergo the elementary training of research and application. They can design questionnaire survey, collect and process data, calculate and analyze data with computer, explain the results and make decision analysis. They can also take on the management of statistical information and professional techniques. They are permitted to graduate on the condition that they obtain all the credits required in the lesson plan. They will be conferred Bachelor of Science according to the bachelor degree regulations for the full-time undergraduates of NUPT.

    The main curricula includes Mathematical Analysis,Algebra and Geometry,Probability Theory, Mathematical Statistics,  Operations Research and Optimization, Advanced Language Programming, Applied Stochastic Processes, Regression Analysis, Multivariate Analysis, Time Series Analysis, Sample Survey, Nonparametric Statistics. Statistical Forecasting and Decision Making, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, etc.   

    After graduation, students can choose majors such as Statistics, Insurance, Economics and Applied Mathematical Statistics for further study, or undertake statistical survey, management consulting, risk control, market analysis, quality control and high technology product development in government, public institutions, enterprises and economy & finance administration, or research and teaching in educational and scientific research institutes.  

    Applied Physics  (four-year undergraduate major)

    This major aims to cultivate the high quality talents who have the innovative spirit and practical ability so that they can adapt themselves to the economic globalization, the construction of socialist modernization and the rapid development of science, technology and information industry. With the characteristic of science-engineering syncretism, the major tries to provide students the solid base of mathematics and physics, and meanwhile, making use of the specialty characters of engineering and its advantages in the information field, the major also puts emphasis on the application in electronics and information science. In this way, students turn out to be with both solid natural science base and good knowledge background in information and electronic science, both the science quality and the engineering consciousness. Students are supposed to study the basic theories and methods of physics. Apart from this,they will combine physics with fields of information and electronics: to learn about the theory front of electronics and radio technology, their application prospects and development trend, to conduct related experiments and to practice the scientific thinking. They will have both the science base and the development space in engineering, which lays a good base for working in interdisciplines  and marginal disciplines. They are permitted to graduate on the condition that they obtain all the credits required in the lesson plan. They will be conferred Bachelor of Science according to the bachelor degree regulations for the full-time undergraduates of NUPT.   

    The main curricula includes: Calculus, Methods of Mathematical Physics, Electromagnetics, Optics, Electrodynamics, Quantum Mechanics, Solid State Physics, Fundamentals of electronics and electrocircuit, Signals Analysis, Digital Circuits and Logic Design, Microcomputer System and Interface, The Principle of  Communication, etc.   

    After graduation, students can choose majors such as Physics, Electronic Information Science, Optical Information Science & Technology, Electromagnetic Field, and Microwave Technology for further study, or undertake research, teaching, products design, technique work and management in fields of physical electronics, radio technology and the related electronic information science in institutes, academies, schools and enterprises.

[Upgrated Dec 2016]

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