

报告题目:Generalized inverses and units in a unitary ring








Let R be a unitary ring and $a,b \in R$ with $ab = 0$. We find the 2/3 propert of Drazin invertibility: if any two of $ a, b$ and $a + b$ are Drazin invertible, then so is the third one. Then, we combine the 2/3 property of Drazin invertibility to characterize the existence of generalized inverses by means of units. As applications, the need for two invertible elements used by You and Chen to characterize the group invertibility of a sum of morphisms is reduced to that for one invertible element, and the existence and expression of the inverse along a product of two regular elements are obtained, which generalizes the main result of Mary and Patrcio about the group inverse of a product.



报告题目:Unit-fusible property via regularity


报告人单位: Memorial University of Newfoundland,Canada






An element in a ring (associative with identity) is called left unit-fusible if it is the sum of a left zero-divisor and a unit, and the ring is left unit-fusible if each of its nonzero elements is left unit-fusible. These notions rose in a paper by Ghashghaei and McGovern [E. Ghashghaei and W.Wm. McGovern, Fusible rings.  Comm. Algebra 45(3) (2017), 1151-1165], where, among others, it is shown that unit-regular rings are unit-fusible and a question left open asks whether or not every von Neumann regular ring is unit-fusible.   In this talk, we address the question of how (unit-) regularity and unit-fusible property are related to each other.

报告人简介:Zhou is a tenured full professor in Mathematics at the Memorial University of Newfoundland, specializing in ring theory and module theory. Zhou is a co-author of the monograph ``Classes of Modules'' (Pure and Applied Mathematics, 281. Chapman and Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL, 2006), and the author or co-author of over 170 peer-reviewed articles.  Zhou's research is funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. Zhou is a referee for several publishing houses such as John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Cambridge University Press and World Scientific Publishing Co., and for more than 30 periodicals including Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, Bulletin des Sciences Mathematiques, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, Communications in Algebra, Glasgow Mathematical Journal, Journal of Algebra, Journal of Algebra and its Applications, Journal of Australian Mathematical Society, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, Linear Algebra and its Applications, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, Mathematische Zeitshrift, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, and the AMS Contemporary Mathematics series. Zhou is an associate editor of ``Journal of Algebra and its Applications''.

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