

报告题目:Statistical inference for mean-field supermarket queueing models


报告人单位:School of Mathematics and Statistics, Carleton University






This is an on-going research with my collaborators. In 2022, to celebrate the publication of the 100th volume, Queueing Systems published a special issue containing 100 Views on Queues. I presented my suggested research in the area of statistical inference for mean-filed queueing models.

The idea of mean-field approximations originated from works by Curie (1895) and Weiss (1907) in the area of statistical physics. Since then, it has been developed into a very important approximation tool for describing a large number of interacting particles systems (IPS) for many important applications in various fields, including queueing theory.

Applications of mean-field approximations to queueing systems go back to Dobrushin and Sukhov (1976), in which the so-called supermarket models were considered. Research on statistical inference for mean-field models started only in recent years due to difficulties as stated in Della Maestra and Hoffmann (2021): (1) the required fine probabilistic tools were still in full development; and (2) the motivation for statistical inference is not obvious.

So far, according to our best knowledge, statistical inference studies on mean-field models are all for continuous state systems, and the study on discrete-state processes, say queueing models or jump processes, has not yet started. In this talk, we demonstrate, through the supermarket model, the feasibility of this suggested research topic.

This talk is based on the joint work with Ahmed Sid-Ali, Ioannis Lambadaris, Wei Sun.



赵教授主要从事应用概率和随机运筹邻域的研究,在国际一流权威期刊上发表了大量(近150篇)高水平的学术论文,其研究成果被国际同行广泛引用(谷歌引用3000多次),并得到高度评价,在应用概率,尤其是排队论及相关领域做出了重要的贡献。赵以强教授:连续30年主持多项国家重要科研项目;现担任五种国际主流权威期刊的副主编,包括OR LettersQueueing SystemsStochastic Models; 被邀请作学术报告(包括重要国际会议大会报告)150多次多次获得优秀科研,教学奖(卡尔顿及温尼伯大学);已培养150多名名硕士,博士生及博士后。

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