姓 名 | 巩龙延 | 性 别 | 男 | |||
出生年月 | 1976.5 | 学历学位 | 博士 | |||
职称\职务 | 教授\江苏省新能源技术工程实验室主任、应用物理学系主任 | 部 门 | 应用物理学系 | |||
导师类别 | 硕导 | 指导专业 | 凝聚态物理、量子信息处理 | |||
办公地点 | 2-325 | 办公电话 | ||||
电邮地址 | LYGONG@njupt.edu.cn | 个人主页 | ||||
主授课程 | 固体物理、凝聚态物理、量子信息技术处理 | |||||
社会 兼职 | 全国高等学校固体物理研究会常务理事 | |||||
研究 方向 | 1、量子多体局域化理论 2、量子传感理论 3、量子电池理论 | |||||
个人 简历 | 2002.09至2005.07 南京大学物理系博士研究生 2005.07至2007.12 理学院 讲师 2006.10至2008.10 南京师范大学数学系 博士后 2008.01至至今 硕士生导师 2010.02至2010.10 台北县淡江大学物理系 博士后 2012.08 江苏省青蓝工程优秀青年骨干教师 2014.07 至今 理学院 教授 2016.12 江苏省新能源技术工程实验室主任 2017.06 应用物理系主任 | |||||
近年 成果 亮点 | 1、提出同时包含周期边界条件和非周期边界条件的香农熵,量度量量子态的局域化程度 [Europhysics Letters, 122,37002,2018]; 2、研究了波粒二象性与安德森局域化间的定量关系[Phys. Rev. A 94, 032125,2016]; 3、提出了新的量度量量子态的局域化程度[Physics Letters A 380 ,59,2016]; 4、提出了新的量度量二元随机信号的无序程度,评审人认为该工作是对已有理论的一个较好的补充 [Physica A 422, 66,2015]; 5、基于冯.诺依曼熵,提出了个新的物理量来区分扩展态、局域态和临界态[Phys. Rev. E 86, 061122 ,2012]; 6、提出了新颖的基于互认证的一次性口令产生方案[Journal of Computer and System Sciences 79 ,122(2012)]; 7、提出了新颖的量子秘钥产生方案并实验验证[Chin. Phys. Lett. 30,060305 (2013)]. | |||||
研究 项目 | 主持的科研项目 | |||||
论著 | [1]Longyan Gong(巩龙延), Jingjing Zhang, Kaixin Ma, Xingfei Zhou1, Xuechao Zhai,Weiwen Cheng and Shengmei Zhao,A novel quantum Shannon entropy as a sensitivity of Anderson transitions It simultaneously relates to periodic and antiperiodic boundary conditions[J]. Europhysics Letters, 122, 37002 (2018). [2]Longyan Gong(巩龙延), YanFeng, Yougen Ding. Anderson localization in one-dimensional quasiperiodic lattice models with nearest- and next-nearest-neighbor hopping [J].Physics Letters A 381,588,2017. [3] Longyan Gong(巩龙延), Bingjie Xue, Wenjia Li, Weiwen Cheng, and Shengmei Zhao. Transition from particlelike to wavelike behavior for an electron in one-dimensional nonuniform lattice systems[J].Phys. Rev. A 94, 032125,2016 . [4]L. Gong(巩龙延), H. Wang, W. Cheng, S. Zhao. A measurement of disorder in binary sequences [J]. Physica A, 422, 66 (2015). [5] L. Gong (巩龙延),Y. Zheng, H. Wang, W. Cheng, S. Zhao. The relations among Shannon information entropy, quantum discord, concurrence and localization properties of one-dimensional single-electron wave functions [J]. Eur. Phys. J. B,87, 1(2014). [6]Shengmei Zhao , Longyan Gong(巩龙延,通讯作者), Yongqiang Li, Hua Yang, Yubo Sheng and weiwen Cheng . A large-alphabet quantum key distribution protocol using orbital angular momentum entanglement [J]. Chin. Phys. Lett. 30, 060305(2013). [7]S.M. Zhao, H. Yang , Y.Q. Li, F. Cao, Y.B. Sheng , W.W. Cheng,L.Y. Gong(巩龙延,通讯作者),The influence of atmospheric turbulence on holographic ghost imaging using orbital angular momentum entanglement: simulation and experimental studies[J]. Optics Communications, 294,223 (2013).
[8] Longyan Gong(巩龙延), Ling Wei, Shengmei Zhao and Weiwen Cheng, Comparison of Shannon information entropies in position and momentum space for an electron in one-dimensional nonuniform systems[J], Phys. Rev. E, 86, 061122(2012). [9] S.M. Zhao, J. Leach, L.Y. Gong(巩龙延), J. Ding, and B. Y. Zheng. Aberration corrections for free - space optical communications in atmosphere turbulence using orbital angular momentum states [J].Optics Express, 20, 452(2012). [10] Longyan Gong(巩龙延), Hao Zhu, Shengmei Zhao, Weiwen Cheng, Yubo Sheng. Quantum discord and classical correlation signatures of mobility edges in one-dimensional aperiodic single-electron systems[J]. Phys. Lett. A 376, 3026(2012). [11] L.Y. Gong(巩龙延), Zicong Zhou(周子聪), Peiqing Tong(童培庆), Shengmei Zhao. Statistical properties of one-dimensional binary sequences with power-law power spectrum [J]. Physica A, 390 ,2977(2011). [12] Longyan Gong(巩龙延), Peiqing Tong, and Zicong Zhou. von Neumann entropy signatures of a transition in one- dimensional electron systems with long - range correlated disorder[J]. Eur. Phys. J. B 77, 413 (2010). [13] Longyan Gong(巩龙延) and Peiqing Tong. von Neumann entropy to characterize localization- delocalization transitions in a two-dimensional quantum percolation model[J]. Phys. Rev. B 80, 174205(2009). [14] Longyan Gong(巩龙延) and Peiqing Tong. Fidelity, Fidelity susceptibility and von Neumann entropy to characterize the phase diagram of an extended Harper model[J].Phys. Rev. B 78, 115114 (2008). [15] Longyan Gong(巩龙延)and Peiqing Tong. von Neumann entropy and localization properties of two interacting particles in one-dimensional nonuniform systems[J]. Phys. Rev. B 76, 085121 (2007). [16] Longyan Gong(巩龙延) and Peiqing Tong. von Neumann entropy and localization –delocalization transition of electron states in quantum small-world networks[J].Phys. Rev. E 74, 056103 (2006). [17] Longyan Gong(巩龙延) and Peiqing Tong. Mode entanglement of an electron in one-dimensional determined and random potentials[J].Phys. Rev. A 71, 042333 (2005). | |||||
联系地址 | 江苏省 南京市亚东新城区文苑路9号, 南京邮电大学 理学院应用物理系 | 邮政编码 | 210046 |